The Positive Organ
Built by Basil Wilson of Hawick in 1978 for St Mary’s Church in Jedburgh, the Positive Organ was rebuilt in St Brigid’s in 2014. The organ is of three ranks, one manual and has a compass of four octaves, C-C. The instrument contains some Harrison pipework and a Gedact rank that is over 100 years old.
Stop List
Geigen 8′
Gedact 8′
Viola 4′
Gemshorn 4′
Nazard 2 2/3 (Treble from middle C)
Principal 2′
The Ingram Organ
The Ingram Organ was built in 1925 by Ingram & Co of Edinburgh for Killin United Free Church, Perthshire. The organ remained there until 1932 when it was moved to Killin Parish Church where it served the congregation until the death of the parish organist. The instrument was moved and rebuilt in St Brigid’s in the Summer of 2024 by MacDonald Organ Builders, Glasgow, and was solemnly blessed on 29th of September by Fr Gerard Byrne to improvisations played by the parish organist Fraser Pearce.
The organ is of eight ranks, two manuals and pedal.
Stop List
Pedal Division (Concave Radiating Pedalboard)
Bourdon 16′
Great Division
Open Diapason 8′
Clarabella 8′
Harmonic Flute 4′
Melodic Bass
Swell Division (Enclosed- Balanced Swell Pedal)
Violin Diapason 8′
Leiblich Gedeckt 8′
Gemshorn 4′
Fifteenth 2′
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell Octave (Swell Octave to Great)
Great to Pedal
A video of the solemn blessing of the organ can be viewed –HERE
The Rebuilding Of The Organ