The reception of the Sacraments is through application to the parish (and is not automatic, simply becasuse your child attends  a Catholic school).

Application is open when:

  1. You and your child have been attending weekly Sunday Mass in St Brigid’s for six months or more
  2. You have already made personal contact with Fr Byrne about the reception of the Sacraments for your child
  3. The school has been informed that you have applied to the parish for the Sacraments, and your child has completed the school workbook
  4. Your child has completed the All Stars’ catechism club sessions in the parish.


Parish classes for 1st Confession are open on WEDESDAY 17th January & THURSDAY  18th January for those who have already applied. Please contact Fr Byrne after weekend Mass if you wish your child to receive First Confession.

Don’t bother the school secretarial staff or the teachers with this: they have enough to do!