Lourdes Pilgrimage 2023
Still places left for our pilgrimage next year! Speak to Fr Byrne after any of the Masses, or email:
Still places left for our pilgrimage next year! Speak to Fr Byrne after any of the Masses, or email:
Mass on New Years’ Day (Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God) will be at 12 NOON (English) This REPLACES our usual Saturday 10am (Latin) Mass. A Blessed New Year when it comes to all of you! Fr Byrne
Haven’t been to confession yet in preparation for Christmas? Opportunities tomorrow: 915am-9.45am; 6.15pm-6.45pm
Would you consider donating a poinsettia to decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas? Please either bring them to morning Mass or simply leave them in the porch of the church. Many thanks!
Thank you to all who have signed up for Lourdes 2023. Just a reminder: to secure a place please pay your deposit of £50pp preferably before Christmas (but certainly by Dec 31). Monies can be paid to TONY or GERRY Read more…
Christmas Masses this year are as follows: VIGIL: 4pm NIGHT MASS: Midnight DAY MASSES: 8am, 9.30am (Latin), 11am Spread the word!